Read it and sheep: we helped launch the world’s first Social Readia™ app, Flock.
Brand Identity, Business Name, Brand Voice, Tagline, Website Copy & Design, Flock App, Digital Ads, PR Box, Social Content, Lead Magnet

The Work At Play
The backstory on this project is so good it could almost be in a book read by a book club on this book club app. Still with us after that tongue twister? Good. Our story began by building Flock’s visual and verbal identity from snout to hoof. We defined Flock’s key differentiator and then designed a robust Brand Voice to shout that ‘sellable story’ from the clifftops. This is where we invented the term Social Readia ™ to succinctly encompass what sets Flock apart from the multitudes of book club apps that exist. On the visual side we crafted a clean logotype inspired by bold serif typography with an essence of sheep flair in each letter plus a playful-yet-literary suite of brand illustrations and iconography. We also created a robust, ahem, library of brand mascot(s); injecting the flock into app-specific scenes to serve as genre classifiers, badges, and feature highlights. From there we whipped every brand extension you can think of into sheep-shape: brand name (yes, we came up with Flock!), logo, tagline, web copy and design, app page copy, app UX copy and design, digital ads, lead magnet, and marketing assets—all using a level of strategic playfulness, wit, and entertainment that other book club apps don’t have the spine (wink) to pull off.