U Suck at Golf
Picture this: a golf brand that’s as dynamic as a basketball brand. We went out of bounds with every creative touchpoint to win over a new generation of players and make the company a lot of green.
Tagline, Web Copy, Product Naming, Digital Advertising

The Backstory
The name of the game? Golf. Okay, but the name of the project game was a complete brand voice and website overhaul that would illuminate the prestige, quality, and innovation of U Suck at Golf’s products…all while maintaining a witty, irreverent, rebellious tone throughout. A central goal of the project was to ensure that the messaging included conversational, referential language so that consumers were not only intrigued and engaged, but knew instantly that this was a brand made by golfers, for golfers. We’ll spoil the standings right off the bat: USAG’s rebrand helped them achieve a 2.5X increase in conversion rate.
We went hard in the paint (wrong sport) on highlighting U Suck at Golf’s main points of differentiation to hit a home run (another wrong sport) with a new generation of golfers who want to play like their heroes, not dress like them. Fun fact: they liked so many of our tagline options, that they purchased a handful to use across other channels. Swish! (wink)

Web Copy
As an apparel & equipment company, a large bulk of our work was aimed at making sure every product shone like a bright little diamond. We focused a lot of comedic strategy on product descriptions—making sure the innovative details weren’t missed by weaving them into entertaining, humorous scenarios and allusions. Another area of focus was all of the seemingly ‘unimportant’ transactional language—like warranty descriptions, returns, sizing guides, military discounts, and opt in language. We are firm believers that every touchpoint of a site should have personality. The result? Every word we touched on their site turned to golf, err, gold.

Innovation Naming
One of the things that makes this brand so cool is their products are more than just a pretty face. They developed an innovative, performance fabric technology and needed a name that would help it stand out and show off. With their new brand identity and voice now fully developed, we crafted a simple, fun name to do exactly that