Our prediction: mascots are about to have a major resurgence. (And obviously, we’re here for it: we have 12.)
Here’s why we think mascots—when developed and deployed correctly—make killer spokespeople for your brand.
1. Mascots serve as a ‘third party’ mouthpiece to shamelessly sing your product’s praises.
2. Mascots heighten brand recognition, awareness, and memorability.
3. You can retire your mascot and bring it back 52 years later for an accidentally-viral product launch. Grimace, we missed you, pal.
Of course, we can’t resist showing you one of our recent client projects that was piled sky-high with mascots: GEN Z Water. They had a dynamic visual universe featuring a variety of delightfully-offbeat critters, but they had no way to connect it to their brand story and leverage it as part of their communication strategy. So we jumped at the chance to create a ‘mascot mythology’ of sorts that would transform these critters from disjointed, nonsensical design elements into Magical, Meaningful, Comical, and Deployable mouthpieces for the brand.
Drink up the full case study here.